Advent & Christmas Devotions

Advent & Christmas Devotions 2019-2020

   The daily devotions this year are written by pastor Paul.  He will use stanzas from the poetry used in hymns, carols, and other sacred music common to the liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas as the starting place.  These will sometimes also be paired with scripture.  Many will be familiar to you and some will likely be new.
     The devotions will be intentionally short.  No more than a page a day.  They will include the following component parts:
1  A text (and possibly a related scripture reference)
2  A brief comment on the text meant to invite your own reflection.
3  A daily prayer (typically in the Collect-form).
     The devotions will post each day at 4 AM CST beginning on Sunday, December 1 and will conclude on Epiphany (Monday, January 6).
     It is my sincere hope that these daily devotions will provide you a way to remain aware of and thoughtful about the approach of Christmas and all that means for you and for our whole world. Daily devotion to God is a certain path to deeper discipleship and I hope these will serve that growth in us all.  PHL

Paul Lang



